Dermot is a man who quit his job, apartment and life as we know it deciding to live his life without money. In the words Dermot himself 'it's better to have no money than just a little bit of money'.
I spent a few days on the squat with Dermot and various other crazy cats. We cruised on bikes generally eying up peoples half finished falafels - and became pretty good at swooping in just at the right moment. More than 1/3 of the world's food is thrown away and the streets of Berlin are no exception - it's rich pickings thas'right! We ate pizza - Indian - falafel - kebabs - ice-cream and even cakes were on the menu on the odd occasion, even if they were found squashed on the top of a traffic bollard. When not hunting for food, we drank beer - cos we're bloody blokes - swam in the river, made fires, took pictures and generally had a gay ol'hobo time. Then there were the party goers turning up from the clubs in the early hours to mix things up and ensure we got pretty no sleep plus the band of Ukrainian criminals hiding out there to always kept us on our toes.
I've got a lot of respect for people like Dermot who get on with it, stick two fingers up to the drone-like capitalist system that drives the world and make changes that matter. He's currently involved in an eco-project in a forest outside of the city. Hope you're well mate - not that you'd ever see this post